by Dr. Leena Singla

As festive seasons over, many cities like Delhi, Faridabad, Noida, Ghaziabad etc. are again in grip of this bad thing. It is eating our health from last many years like hair fall, skin aging, organ failure, respiratory damage, eyes itching, migraine, headache etc.

Our kids are getting more ill, our elders are facing difficulty in breathing problem, so considering alarming situation its high time for government and public should work together to make our earth beautiful. Every year cities facing smog after Diwali but this time situation has been most deteriorating, as a result government has to announced school holidays.

I am trying to share some ideas to curb this pollution.

1) Use air purifier: – Start using car and home purifier if possible as it cleans indoor air more efficiently. It is just one-time investment and we can feel the difference in our home. It has activated carbon filters contains bituminous coal that is best to remove pollutants, dust mites, bacteria and improves indoor air quality. I am using Honeywell purifier which is also very good. Make sure that air filter is cleaned every three months.

Everyone cannot afford all such things. So, let us focus on other creative tips to make our area clean.

2) Car-pooling: – It means we can share cars with friends or colleagues to decrease number of vehicles and can be a great contributor to slow this pollution. We can also cut down our transport expense mainly and can enjoy meeting new peoples and grow your network significantly. So, in any way we are making our own benefits.

3) Indoor plants: – In market there are so many indoor plants available like money, tulsi, aloe vera, spider plants etc. which can be kept in rooms and naturally clean room air. They can be easily taken care as well.

4) Use bicycles in covering small areas. It is not important to show off every time to pick car or bike to pollute road. Bicycle improves health, burn calories, save money as well.

5) Go to work little earlier so that you can avoid busy roads and can save from inhaling polluted air. It’s a small trick that really works.

6) Avoid mornings walks and outdoor exercises for few days. Wear anti-pollution masks like N99VOG, N95 air masks whenever go outside. Let kids also wear it for some time.

7) Plantation: – We all very well aware about how important to plant trees. We should build this habit in our kids too like plant a tree on their birthday as their best gift to nature. We can expect to receive nice present from nature in return as well.
One, two, three Its our duty to save earth beauty
Plant a tree

8) Include specific foods: – Foods are best buddies to beat our health enemy as polluted air.

  • In your meal spices like ginger, turmeric, cloves, black pepper, cinnamon etc are great to include on daily basis as they keep us away from cold, cough and build our immunity to fight against air pollutants.

  • Try ginger and tulsi tea with few cardamoms in it and it smells like awesome.

  • Include vitamin C-rich foods and fruits like amla, orange, guava, kiwis, cabbage, coriander leaves, drumsticks etc. in your plates.

  • Vitamin E-booster foods like almonds, peanuts and sunflower seeds are good to act as first line of defence against air harmful chemicals.

  • Take beta carotene rich diet like leafy vegetables, radish leaves, carrots, Amarnath (chaulai ka saag), lettuce, spinach, sweet potato, apricots etc. They are ideal to keep our eyes in proper vision.

  • Omega-3- fatty rich food are very essential to protect our body from such disgusting situation. Try to have walnuts, chia and flax seeds in curd, salad, smoothies.

  • In your daily meals, try to eat methi, mustard seeds, Chana, rajma, bajra etc. to make your skin glowing and helps in making fit.

    A great salad with combination of broccoli, avocado, tomatoes, jalapeno’s, flax seeds and use olive oil as dressing is super idea for salad lovers.

  • Include jaggery with sesame seeds as natural sweetener helps to prevent many respiratory problems.

  • Try to take green tea and broccoli in your menu card as both helps to detoxify body.
    Eating healthy meal is very effective to clear airways and reduce impact of it.

9) Download apps which provide real-time air quality data from all cities and we can monitor air pollution levels before stepping out home.

10) Adequate ventilation: – Windows in rooms are very important to ensure fresh supply of air. Install exhaust fans and chimneys in kitchen to remove cooking fumes and in washroom helps to clear the steam.

It helps to improves indoor air quality. Hence, good for all our family members.

Be fair, do not pollute air.

So, it’s our duty as well to be updated about all preventive measures can be taken to beat it. We cannot blame completely our government so far, just raise your hands and take effort by running some campaigns to make public aware about its harmful effect and some simple solutions that I am trying to do with this blog. My goal is to give amazing ideas that surely will work to beat this smoky air.

Be a part of solution, not of pollution.


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Meena Aggarwal December 7, 2019 - 10:08 am

Wow this is very useful article for all….. I think every body will be benefited by following these tips…. Thanks for sharing such a nice post

Dr. Leena Singla December 9, 2019 - 10:17 am

Thanks for appreciating my work.

kusum December 7, 2019 - 10:09 am

This blog is very good Today everyone need it.This is a current topic.Solutions are v.good
We should apply these solutions.

Dr. Leena Singla December 9, 2019 - 10:14 am

Thanks for liking my solutions.It motivate me to share more such blogs.


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